Stages of the Conveyancing Process

The Conveyancing Process: Kennan Kay

Buying or selling a home normally takes an average time of 2 to 3 months. The timescale can vary a lot depending on the complexities of the transaction. We are specialist in conveyancing which often means we are quicker and more efficient than a non-specialist firm.

Please use our free fee estimate tool to get an example of the costs for our services. If you have any queries regarding the fee estimate you have been given or would like to discuss any factors which you think may affect the cost, please email or phone our office.

Stages of the conveyancing process:
The precise stages involved in the purchase of the residential property vary according to the circumstances. We have listed key stages. Prior to any of these taking place we will always require photographic identification and address verification from you.

Purchase of a Residential Freehold Property

  • Take your instructions and give you initial advice
  • Obtain proof of purchase funds if applicable
  • Receive and advise on contract documents
  • Carry out searches
  • Obtain further planning documentation if required
  • Make any necessary enquires of seller’s solicitor and obtain clarification on issues
  • Report to you giving advice on all documents and information received
  • Go through conditions of the mortgage offer if applicable and report to you
  • Have you sign the contract and transfer documents in the readiness for exchange
  • Agree completion date (date from which you own the property)
  • Exchange contracts and notify you when exchange has happened
  • Arrange for all monies needed to be received from the lender and you
  • Complete the purchase
  • Deal with payment of Stamp Duty/Land Tax
  • Deal with application for registration at Land Registry
  • On Completion of the registration provide copies of the documents to you

If the property you are buying is a Leasehold property, there will be additional steps that we will need to undertake which as well as the stages listed above include:

  • Review Management Pack and Leasehold Property Enquiries
  • Make any necessary enquires in relation to the Leasehold Information
  • Deal with Apportionments of Service Charge and Ground Rent
  • Serve the required notices on completion to the Landlord and/or Management Company

Transactions concerning Leasehold properties often incur addition fees and charges, we explain this in our fee estimate to you. Where possible we will inform you of these before commencing work or will inform you as soon as we are aware of them.

Sale of a Residential Freehold Property

  • Take your instructions
  • Obtain title information and prepare contract documents
  • Deal with any enquires raised by the buyer’s solicitor
  • Obtain a redemption figure from your mortgage lender if applicable
  • Have you sign contract and transfer documents in readiness for exchange
  • Agree completion date ( date from which you no longer own the property)
  • Exchange contracts and notify you that this has happened
  • Complete sale
  • Deal with redemption of mortgage
  • Deal with sale proceeds and post completion matters


  • Take your instructions
  • Obtain Title Information
  • Obtain redemption figure from your current Lender
  • Review Mortgage Offer and report to
  • Ask you to sign the Mortgage Deed
  • Agree completion date
  • Request mortgage funds from new Lender
  • Complete Re-mortgage
  • Deal with redemption of Mortgage
  • Deal with application for registration at the Land Registry